Labor and social security law

Our lawyers are specialists in all aspects of employment law including employment contracts, industrial accidents, social security law, criminal sanctions for labor law violations and pensions. We provide professional advice in the following fields:

Our lawyers regularly assist their clients with:

  • Employment contracts: drafting of employment contracts, collective dismissal, dismissals and dismissal in case of a serious misconduct, employment regulations, company car contracts and policy, restrictions on non-competition clauses in an employment contract, protection of privacy at work, unilateral change of working conditions by an employer (salary, function, acquired rights, work location, etc.)
  • Contractual employment without a contract as an employee: freelance contracts, management contracts, commercial agency, temporary work contracts, non-competition false self-employment independence
  • Employment in a public service: statutory contracts, assistance in proceedings before administrative and judicial courts, disciplinary law for civil servants
  • Accidents at work: disputes concerning the recognition of an incident as work accident
  • Files on incapacity for work following an accident at work. Insurance cases related to personal injury and related financial compensation of work accidents
  • Companies in difficulties and crisis situations: their impact on employment contracts and other cooperation agreements with employees and contractual collaborators

Some examples of conflict between employers and employees in which we help our clients: 

  • dismissal and conditions for dismissal of employees, 
  • collective dismissals in case of restructuring or closure of a company, 
  • employees’ protection and privacy, 
  • disputes with respect to private emails of employees, 
  • breaches of privacy

Examples of social law issues in which we assist our clients:

  • Organization and advice of social dialogue within a company
  • Social criminal law: we assist in the event of sanctions for a company and social inspections after a complaint
  • Social security contributions for employees and for self-employed personnel
  • Disputes with respect to social security contributions, conditions to obtain a reduction of social security payments
  • Legal aspects of unemployment, sickness, work disability
  • Supplementary extra-legal health insurance

We have experience in dealing with issues related to:

  • pension schemes, 
  • supplementary pension agreements with employees and directors, 
  • the impact of a company takeover or the dismissal/resignation of an employee on supplementary pension contracts 
  • rights with respect to working after retirement.

We strongly believe in the usefulness of mediation as a way to solve conflicts. 
In the event of a conflict, we will assess with you the best form of conflict resolution for your situation: court proceedings or mediation.
Mediation makes it possible to solve conflicts amicably outside the courts.
Even in disputes where no mediator has been appointed by the Court of Commerce, our mediators often succeed in solving conflicts between their clients and other parties by applying mediation techniques.
Our colleagues Lieve Dehaese and Guido Quanten have followed training as mediators in both civil law and business law.